- Idioms and Phrases, Impromptu, Process and procedure description, Developing a conversation, Apologizing
- Confusing words, Day to day conversation, Solving the puzzle or Riddle
- Demonstrating a project, Group discussion on a topic, Instructing to do something.
In spite of studying in an English Medium school most students fail to speak in fluent and smooth English. The reason is that we learned our mother-tongue by listening and speaking, but we are taught English language through writing. Therefore we at The Brainbayuse a combination of listening, hearing, reading and writing. We also train them in comprehension, vocabulary, collocations, preparing conversation and dialogue writing skills and simultaneously improve their writing as well as reading skills.
The Brainbaynot only teaches your student to converse with poise in English but also makes them a good conversationalist.
English is the language of International communication. It plays a major role in business, communication, Education & entertainment etc.
Students from Grade 3 to Grade 9 can undergo this program. Spoken English is specially designed to fulfill each student's needs. The program will give them a competitive edge over others. It will also help them take a step ahead to success..
- Improves communication skills
- Speech presentation
- Increases your child's creativity and provides mental flexibility
- Improves verbal as well as non verbal communication
- A child can speak any topic instantly